What kind of transfer costs?

Great product, I convinced my company to start using it as we are trying to figure out what is driving our S3 costs so high. My only question for you is what kind of data transfer is s3stat going to do daily? We are trying to reduce our transfer costs so I was just curious what kind of bandwidth this would be using!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

It really depends on the size of the logfiles we need to move back and forth. For a medium sized bucket, we'll pull down a few MB worth of raw logs per day and upload about the same amount of processed logs and report files. If you're seeing 20M hits per day though, your logs can grow to over 1GB/day.

Regardless, it's proportional to your traffic, and it's always a pretty small fraction of said traffic so it's essentially going to be lost in the noise.

Think $0.005 on top of an $8 monthly bill or or an extra $6 on top of a $20k AWS bill.

Jason Kester
Friday, December 9, 2011

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