Stats questions

I just get my past logs for my s3 bucket compiled by S3Stat and I have some questions :
1 - Why the hits vary for files for a same period (datebegin - dateend) when you click on day-week-month ? hits are not total hits for the date period selected ?
2 - how can I search for a specific file I want to check usage ?
3 - any way to export reports ?

Thank you for your help


Jean-francois No

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Glad to have you aboard!

I see what you mean about day/week/month giving slightly different numbers for the same range. I hadn't noticed that before. I assume it has to do with overhang.

That is, the "month" number for the last 30 days will be the sum of all of February and (as of today) the first 9 days of March. The "week" number will similarly include the extra few days from week 8 of the year, whereas the "day" number will tally just the 30 days in the range specified.

Moving on, you can see a "Files" report on the sidebar, from where you can click an individual filename to see numbers just for it. Or you can just click a filename off the overview report to accomplish the same thing for the top 10 files.

And yes, you can export a .csv of any table in Chrome or Firefox. If you hover the table data with your mouse, you'll see the link appear in the upper left corner of the table.

Jason Kester
Thursday, March 10, 2016

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